July 21th – A date to remember!

Published: 28.08.18

The day has come. It's time to unleash the dog in the wild. This is a very special day for Chicko. I know he loves to run off-leash in the wilderness without the constant nagging from his owners to walk nicely beside us, following us here and there. Now he can be free to choose, and to follow his nose wherever it may take him.

Chicko is so lucy :D
Chicko is so lucy :D
Chicko love the  wild nature :D
Chicko love the wild nature :D

This close working relationship between dog and human is extraordinary when it comes to bird hunting. Personally, I find it mesmerizing to witness the dog's joy, and to train systematically for the hunting season. It's always so exciting to observe the first bird work of the season. I decided to take him to a spot where I had previously observed many birds and it takes only ten minutes before the GPS is signaling. Chicko was holding steady, only 40 meters up ahead. I move calmly and focused up to him. "Yes", I say with determination and Chicko moves quickly in the direction of his nose. The first bird took to wing three meters ahead of him, and the rest of the flock follows. Six birds in total; a beautiful brood of black grouse. Another bird takes flight as I fetch and proudly praise Chicko. What a wonderful start! Everything went according to the book.

Chicko are standing for grouse
Chicko are standing for grouse

We moved further up in the terrain and arrived at a beautiful pond. We were staying there for the night, so I set up camp, prepared some lunch and enjoyed the scenery. The rest of the evening was spent fly fishing for trout.

The next day we continue further into the wilderness. We experienced more exemplary bird work together. We were even as lucky as to witness a giant wood grouse take flight up ahead. It was an unforgettable weekend with a dog that truly enjoyed himself, and a dog owner as proud as they come. We're looking forward to the bird hunting season, with a companion who gets to follow his breed's true calling; running, smelling, sensing and working the birds, set in a beautiful season with changing colours. I'm also looking forward to the hunt itself, where I hope to get to fell birds for my fantastic and gorgeous Gordon setter, Chicko. 

Read other articles here.

//Christer Nannestad - Youtube & Instagram: Nansen_Bamsen  

Translated by Bergljot Sindredottir Støer - Instagram: bergy_b